December – Operation World Prayers for the Nations December 3 (based on Isaiah 12:3) “Abba, Your Word says, ‘With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.’ Help me to do that today and every day.” December 31 – Pray for the coming year Pray peace and security. Pray for refugees. Pray for…
Tag: prayer alerts
Prayer Alerts: November Prayers
November – Operation World Prayers for the Nations November 19 (based on Ezekiel 11:19) “Abba, thank You that You have fulfilled Your promise to me in giving me an undivided heart and putting a new spirit in me, removing my heart of stone and giving me a heart of flesh.” November – International Day of…
Prayer Alerts: April 2016 Prayer Concerns
General April 1- 30 Operation World Prayers for the Nations April 9 AzuzaNOW April 22-30 Passover April 24 Blue Sunday – Day of Prayer for Abused Children April 30 National Day of Repentance Pray for those who had gone through loss – loss of loved one, abortion, storms, and theft Pray for revival in…