Well, I could start this off the same way as last year – I still have not kept up with this blog like I would like – I could say I have a better excuse that last year but still.
I wanted to again share some Advent devotions even though I’m not writing them for a church as I have in the past. In fact, they aren’t even written yet since I’m not printing them this year. The theme for this year is “Gifts”.
Again, I hope you enjoy them, maybe they’ll make you think, and I hope they add to your celebration of Advent and Christmas.
Be well,
Here’s the first one:
November 29, 2010 – Gifts
Scripture: Ruth 2: 13
May I continue to find favor in your eyes, my lord,” she said. “You have put me at ease by speaking kindly to your servant—though I do not have the standing of one of your servants.
Kathy and I usually alternate between our families for Christmas and Thanksgiving. Due to our finances and Kathy’s work schedule, we didn’t get together with her family at Thanksgiving. It’s always an interesting time – we celebrate Thanksgiving on Thursday and usually open Christmas presents on Friday (followed by going out later to one of the latest movies that we all want to see). It’s always amazing how we can amass such a large pile of gifts and in a few hours have them all unwrapped and put away (so as to not lose or misplace pieces, parts, or what-not).
Gifts are mentioned from Genesis to Revelation in one form or fashion. Gifts are given for brides, for peace, for many different reasons. We view gifts differently in each stage of our life and this is seen in the gifts and the giving of them also. In this season of gift-giving (and receiving), I want to look at various aspects of gifts – some very much related to Christmas and some not – at least not apparently. I want to look at how we give and receive and how God gives and receives gifts (What gifts does God receive? I’ll share some of that later).
Ruth finds favor with Boaz and receives the gift of his kindness and care. She is comforted and put at ease and yet feels unworthy of the gift. How often do we feel unworthy of the gifts we receive? Why? Because we can’t give a gift that is just as good? Because we haven’t earned it? Maybe Ruth earned Boaz’s respect and care but that was not her motivation in her actions.
Are we good enough to receive gifts? Is that our motivation? How good are we are giving gifts?
Our Guardian and Our Redeemer, may be continue to find comfort in Your words as You continue to show Your Favor to us, though we are not worthy. May we see Your gifts with fresh eyes and may we share our gifts with others. Amen