Luke tells us in the eighth chapter of his gospel about Jesus calming a storm while crossing over the lake with His disciples. I wonder what the disciples did after this. Luke tells us that they began to really wonder about who Jesus was but what else did they do?
Growing up in hurricane-prone Florida, I always been aware of the calm BEFORE and DURING the storm. But here at the beginning of the year and after some of the roughest five or six months we have been through, I really wonder about the calm AFTER the storm It seems that I have been running and going and doing non-stop for so long and now that the storm is mostly over, what do I do? I voiced this at a men’s Bible study this evening and I heard God speak through my brothers that it is time to rest. Jesus was fully capable of sleeping THROUGH the storm and here I am in the calm flailing around like a fish out of water.
I’ll admit – I’ve never been really patient. I’m not good at just waiting. The older I get I’m more conscious of the time it seems I’ve wasted or am wasting NOT doing what I feel I should be doing. But sometimes after the storm, it’s hard to even focus on what needs to be done (Have you ever tried to clean up when the mess is really big? Where do you begin?). I want to be where God wants me to be and not just where I THINK I should be. I also afraid of not moving when God wants me to. My plans seems to be up in the air for the moment but that may be exactly what God wants so that I may see HIS plan more fully. And that I might rest and recover and be ready to face the next storm of life (I know the enemy will not leave me alone for long).
What do you do after you have weathered one of the storm’s of life? What prayers do you pray during those calm times?
Be well
Wow! This can be one particular of the most helpful blogs we have ever come across. Basically Excellent.