For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.– Isaiah 55: 8-9
I haven’t written anything in a while. I’ve been doing some thinking and weighing out some plans and thoughts and to be honest, just couldn’t focus on writing.
Turning 52 has also caused me to think about plans, dreams and schemes of mine that, especially in the last year, have come to nothing. Now, I am aware that I’ve made some mistakes in my thinking and probably will again. But I think I understand more now about my “failures” than I ever have; not that I’m getting wiser – just getting tired of making the same mistakes 😉
You see, at least for me, I believe that I never fully invited God into my plans and dreams. I prayed about them, sure. But it was more me telling God what my plans were and asking Him to bless them. It should have been me listening for God’s voice and seeking His plan for me.
If I believe in Him and trust Him, why would it be any other way? Why must I always seek to control God’s hand in my life? Can’t I just trust Him to know more than I do? I believe that God sees the Big Picture but in my impatience I try to repaint it to my liking.
Pray with me that I, and maybe a few who read this, will spend more time listening than planning. May we hear God’s still small voice above our own strident cries to be heard.
Father God, speak, Your servant is here to listen. Amen.
Be well,