This is a short post. I’ve had computer problems that have kept me from posting as much as I would like but the past few days have overshadowed all my problems.
My dad had a heart catherization on Wednesday and had some complications from the blood thinners early Friday morning (at home after being released about noon on Thursday). After 5 hours in ER, 4 units of blood and several containers of blood and fluid removed from his stomach, they had him stable and transported to the hospital where the heart cath was done. He was in ICU until this afternoon and is doing well – tired and weak but well.
I would be lying if I told you I was not afraid – being a long time Christian and sometimes pastor doesn’t make one immune. I honestly thought we had lost Dad and I have a sight etched in my memory that I don’t really want to have or care to see again. But while being strong for Mom, my sisters, and also for Dad, I was buoyed by the prayers and thoughts of friends and family. My fears were not immediately removed but my hope was sustained. And when I had my devotion time this morning, both of yesterday’s devotions (which I didn’t get to read until today) were on hope!
One of my sisters had a friend that gave her a verse for Dad – I read it to him this morning.
And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. — 1 Peter 5:10 (NIV)
I believe that eternity started before we were born. We step back into our eternal glory when we are saved, justified, redeemed, born again – whatever term you like to use. This is our hope and promise for today, for all of us, not just my Dad.
Be well,
I too had a few moments of fear. Not for my Dad but for my Mom, my sisters and brother and myself. I firmly believed that Dad would be "okay" and I told Janine that he would be. But I also know that my version of "okay" and God's can vary greatly.
I knew that God would not allow something into our lives that he does not equip us to handle, if we just turn to him.
I thank God for the physical healing of my(our) Dad's body. And for the continued restoration he brings to spirit. And I pray that we will be "strong, firm and steadfast" in our faith.
Thank you Steve.
nice post. thanks.
I’m glad I stumbled onto it. Have a good day!