I’ve been working quite a bit lately – working some construction/renovation projects and some yard work. If you know me, this is not my forte or my favorite work, but it keeps us with a roof over our head and food on the table. I don’t mind getting my hands dirty. In fact, it’s sort of nice to see the end results of this type of work and I get to look at all the places and people I’ve worked for.
This past Sunday, I helped serve Communion at our church – it’s one of my favorite times. I really enjoy the Communion service and on Sunday, Pastor Steve Schofield talked about being in remembrance. I served with him and was holding the cup. I like to look at people and tell them, “This is Jesus’ blood shed JUST for you!”.
This time as in most times, some of the juice dropped on my hands. I was reminded that you can’t serve without getting your hands dirty. What was it that Jesus said? “I came not to be served but to serve”. Hmm, He had to get His hands dirty – He was a carpenter, He reached down and scooped up mud to heal a blind man, He drew in the sand with His finger and gave forgiveness, He touched the untouchable, and He had these same hands pierced and bloodied as He died on a cross for us! I am so glad that He didn’t mind getting His hands dirty!
Father, when I see my dirty hands, bring me to the place of remembering that it takes getting my hands dirty to serve. Take me past my concerns for myself and let me truly be Your hands here on earth. In Name of Jesus, Amen.
Be well,