I recently started a new job – short term contract (which may be extended) as a “remote service desk agent”. I work from home and answer calls for technical and other questions from our end client’s various employees and contractors. I sit with a headset on and wait for calls. I was kidded by my sisters about moving to New Delhi and changing my name (a jab at overseas customer support in case you didn’t get that). The scary part is that since I’m new I am not always sure that I CAN help whomever calls. I’m still learning and each time I actually help someone my confidence, or my faith, increases.
My mind works in strange ways, so this has set me to pondering about how we help or serve others as believers in Jesus. Sometimes, I think we all feel that we are not confident that we CAN help someone and so we don’t do anything. We don’t utilized the power and authority we are given in Christ and we mutter something about praying for someone who’s going through an illness or a troublesome time but in our heads and hearts, we don’t think that it will matter much. And then there’s times when we think we CAN help and we muddle things up so badly. Either way we don’t do a very good job of helping others.
Why? Because I think we worry about what others think too much. Paul tells us in that we should work as serving God not man (Ephesians 6:7, Colossians 3:23). Yes, he’s talking to slaves but I think this applies to us as workers and servants of the Kingdom of Heaven. Our focus should always be on God. I don’t think we can even say that we CAN help someone unless we do it with God’s help, at least not for long. We’ll burn out or flounder in helplessness we can’t do what we thought we could. God can and will use us in our weakness for He is strong. Trying to score points with man (or with God) is not helping or serving anyone but self. And I would argue we don’t even really help ourselves then.
Father, we wish to follow Jesus’ command to love our neighbor as ourselves and to serve them in Your Name. Help us to remember it is You we serve – not because we must but because we love You. Help us to step outside our fears and our own abilities, no matter how little or great, and just love and help people for Your Name’s sake. In the Name of Jesus, Amen!
In His Service,