I recently came across an article about hunger in India. I had read an another article about the decline of global hunger but that it was still “unacceptably high”. As I sit here in my home, having finished lunch, it is hard to imagine anyone going hungry, and it is easy to ignore it when it is half-way around the world. Then I’m reminded of the fact that I and many others are not only well-fed but are overweight.
Some would ask, “Why does God allow this?” but I have to ask, “Why would I allow this?” I recently went to El Salvador and was again presented at how blessed I am in comparison to others (and how much I complain about my problems shames me in light of this). If I’m not part of the solution, then I’m at least partially part of the problem.
Does this bother anyone but me? Obviously, there are others who do care about the issue of hunger (both physical and spiritual) but what can I do about this? I know I can pray – and pray I will – but is it enough to just stop there? I feel the answer is a definite “no”. Educating myself, at times denying myself, and supporting those who meet this problem head-on every day is a help. I pray that God gives me more insights in how I can be part of the solution.
Read the article that spurred me to write this:
Global Hunger Declines, but still “unacceptably high”
Want to know more facts? Check out The Hunger Project’s Facts.
Want to help? Check out Gospel for Asia’s Bridge of Hope and how it benefits children in need
Live in Dawson and Lumpkin County, Georgia? Check out Bridge The Gap For Kids – an organization working to meet the food needs of children in the area. No longer in existence.
NOTE: I don’t work for or receive any benefits from Gospel for Asia. I produced the original Bridge The Gap For Kids website but receive no other benefit from mentioning them here.
Father, You who provide all blessings and provisions. I feel ashamed when I see that I am blessed a full refrigerator and freezer when other wonder where their next meal will come from. Thank You for meeting my needs and please, please, help me see how I can take my blessings and bless others. Let me be a part of the solution in solving world hunger. Let me start here in my own home, my own town, and let me be an agent for change in this world. Father, give us all our daily bread and I pray that none go hungry this day. In the Name of the One Who is the Bread of Life, Jesus Christ, Amen!
Be well,
Book marked, I love your site! 🙂