I have learned about a way to listen for God’s voice called 2 Way Prayer Journaling. By seeking God and asking him to speak to us, then writing whatever comes as you are praying and not trying to filter it as we write (review it later) we can often make it easier to ‘hear’ from God.
I want to share with you a portion of my journaling through an issue a while back, because it presented a new way of looking at something I had struggled with. Perhaps it will help you as well.
Why is my choosing the”good part” – spending time with You, meditating on Your Word (which has always meant ‘studying’ to me) – so difficult for me, why does it usually seem so dry and empty?
Because it has been ‘study’, not meditating – analysis for analysis sake is not what is needed. Try a ‘picturing’ or imagining approach rather than just reading the words. ‘Reading the words”, trying to analyze what is meant, that is intellectual exercise, not listening or conversation. A different approach might be more satisfying. It is HEART work not HEAD work. You know that you are a very imaginative, creative person – let yourself bring those gifts (gifts, not skills) to this area. Let it loose to show you whatever I choose to show you. Your dreams too! Looking at things analytically, as your intellect has done before, short circuits the heart hearing what I intended this to be – a heart exchange, not a head exercise.
Hope this helps you,