Perspective – a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.
The last several months have been interesting to say the least – the death of Kathy’s father, travel to Florida for the memorial service, plans shifted and changed and the confusion that brings. To top it off, we just spent the last two weeks having NO water – long story but power to the pump on our well got knocked out and we had to wait until the landlord decided what to do and then for the well to be dug and connected. From our point of view, things haven’t been looking too good.
On this Saturday before Easter, it’s easy to see how those who had followed Jesus felt on that day between the crucifixion and the resurrection. From their point of view, things weren’t looking very good – and they couldn’t see how things were going to get better.
The problem in both cases is that we don’t see things the way that God sees them. And is that not really the main problem of our lives? We choose to see things from only our perspective and believe we are correct. Now I agree it’s hard when life has dealt you problems to see any other point of view but sometimes we need to step back see the big picture – God’s point of view (and yes, I’m trying to see why being without water for two weeks fits into the big picture).
God loves to turn things upside down – sometimes that’s the only way to get our attention. What was meant for death, God meant for life. A thing of cruel torture has now become a thing of beauty. Was was impossible – approaching God – is now possible (it was God himself who tore the veil in the temple from the TOP to the bottom!)
Father, tomorrow is Easter. May we remember in the midst of the darkness of life that life is ours in Jesus. He gave to give us life (abundantly and freely). May we see all of our moments from Your perspective – and at least allow You a chance to turn them upside down. In Jesus’ precious Name, Amen!
Be well,