I have, through the years, had a number of friends who have chosen to follow the Wiccan religion – witches, by their own account. Realize that Wicca is not Satan worship, but it is a pagan religion. They use spells and magic which can have power, but that power is not of God.
Although good done in the name of evil is still good, and evil done in the name of good is still evil, I have come to realize that the source of the power is, in fact, the key. I have long felt that power, in and of itself, is neutral – neither bad nor good – and how it is used determines its nature. That may be true, I don’t know, but if the source of the power is not God, it had to come from someone/somewhere else, and thus it is unrighteous and condemned by scripture, with good reason. No matter how pure, caring, or loving the user is, or how “good” the results are, when good is done with unholy power it adds to the deception. If the power comes from anywhere but God, that power is from Satan, and is founded in deception. Satan wants to deceive, steal, kill, and destroy, and any power that comes from him will ultimately lead to the fulfillment of his goals, even if in the short term it seems to be used for good.
You may wonder why I would put this in a Christian blog/devotional reading. When I ran across it, looking back through my journal, I felt that someone out there might benefit from the insight I have been given about it.
Father God, for those in my circle of friends and loved ones who have been deceived into turning to anything but You for the power to achieve their goals in life, open their eyes. Help them to see that whatever is not of You, however innocent seeming, can draw them into the clutches of the enemy of mankind, and bring about their destruction and despair. Your Son, Jesus is the only Way, and You alone are the Power Source that leads to true fulfillment and joy. In His Name, Amen.