January 1-31 Operation World Prayers for the Nations
January 1-31 Athens Prayer Network: Athens Prayer Watch Continues (until February 1, 2016)
January 18-25 Prayer for Christian Unity – Theme: Called to Proclaim the Mighty Acts of the Lord (1 Peter 2:9)
January 1 Pray for new beginnings – pray for letting go of the past. All sins can be forgiven.
Pray for unity within the Christian Church – and pray that that unity is Biblically based
Pray for those affected by the weather here in the US and elsewhere – storms, floods, etc. Steve’s sister, Janine, and husband Greg,have probably lost a camper trailer (where Greg lived while working) in the floods in AL. NOTE: The water receded and never got into the camper! It didn’t even lose power. Praise God!
Pray for the upcoming US elections – it’s never too early!
Open Doors USA Christian Persecution World Watch List (Top 50 – Divided up for each month of the year):
North Korea
Direction and provision for personal and ministry needs and future mission trips – Samoa & El Salvador in 2016, India & Kenya in 2017
Opportunities to minister (and the wisdom to see those opportunities God puts before us)
God has put it on our heart to mentor a younger couple. We hope to have opportunities in talking to couples who are about to get married.
A car – Kathy’s Honda CRV died in June – we would like to replace it with a similar vehicle. We have been told twice that a car will be gifted to us; we are holding on to that promise!
Pray that we can have “us” time in the midst of work and ministry.
Praises – We were blessed to be with family over Christmas – and even got to have a little getaway to enjoy Christmas lights and each other in the Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg, TN area! We received some good news about a tax situation that has been weighing over us that has been resolved! Praise God! Kathy’s job is going well – pray for continued blessings and that our work schedules will still be in sync.