I said I’d write more bout how prayer and gardening are similar.
There is a point in the gardening process where you think that all of your efforts are wasted. You’ve tilled and fertilized the soil, planted the seed and watered it all in. And you’ve waited. And waited. And nothing happens. You go out expectantly and there is nothing to show for you work but a nice clear garden spot. Prayer is like that sometimes also. We get into the Word and prepare our hearts and minds for communing with God in prayer and then we wait. And wait. And the silence is deafening.
And just when you think that gardening is a waste of time, you see the fruits of your labor (pun intended ;-)). The plants grow and the harvest comes in. This year our first harvest was just three squash. Then we picked enough squash for Kathy to make several casseroles to freeze and still have some left over! Prayer is like that for me. Just when I’m ready to give up, the blessings come, slowly at times and like a flood at others.
And we have evidence that our garden will provide more that we have already received. I think prayer is like that – we have evidence (God’s Word) that we will be provided with more that we have already received. There’s a relationship that one builds with the earth and the seed when gardening. There’s a much more important relationship that one builds with the Creator of earth and seed when one prays.
Be well,