December 1-31 Operation World Prayers for the Nations
December 1-31 Athens Prayer Network: Athens Prayer Watch Continues (until February 1, 2016)
December 31 Pray for the coming year
Pray peace and security. Pray for refugees. Pray for those would cause harm and seek to instill fear in this world.
Open Doors USA Christian Persecution World Watch List (Top 50 – Divided up for each month of the year):
United Arab Emirates
Pray for those who find the holidays to be a time of sadness due to not being with loved ones.
Direction and provision for personal & ministry needs and future mission trips – Samoa & El Salvador in 2016, India & Kenya in 2017
Opportunities to minister (and the wisdom to see those opportunities God puts before us) – pray we don’t spread ourselves too thin, also!
A couple to mentor – God has put it on our heart to mentor a younger couple
A car – Kathy’s Honda CRV died in June – we would like to replace it with a similar vehicle
Travel mercies for family members traveling during the holidays