Receive the grace and glory of the Lord. His Spirit can be present and moving in a place or situation, but unless we open up our hearts and spirits and take it in and receive it, it will flow right over the top of us and continue on to those who WILL receive.
Once we have received and been awakened or quickened in our spirit man, we have a responsibility to nurture it. To nurture our spirit man and the Spiritual gifts which we have received and begun to move in, we must place ourselves in fellowship with others who believe and move in the Spiritual Gifts as well. We can no longer hide in a place or among people who doubt or diminish the Holy Spirit and His workings. Don’t hang out there. An atmosphere of unbelief will erode your/my confidence in who you/I are/am in the Lord.
I am responsible for what I have received and heard, and so are you. It is up to each of us to build and walk in the Spiritual Gifts which we have received. We need relationships with men and women who also believe and walk in the Spirit. The atmosphere of faith and people who walk in the Spirit feed our spirits and build us up in the gifts and callings we have received from our Lord.
My spirit man is the real me, not my intellect. You and I need to build and preserve our spirit man if we wish to continue to walk in the Spirit. I heard an illustration regarding this that I really feel is a powerful one. One who operates more from the mind and intellect can have a big head, full of knowledge of the Lord, but if the spirit is not also fed and exercised, the spiritual man/body will be emaciated, weak, and frail.
I pray that you will seek out a fellowship, a family of believers, who will help you nurture your spirit man and grow in the gifts which the Father has given you. Remember too, that these gifts are not for us individually, but for the Body, to exhort and encourage and build up the people as well as the Kingdom of God.
Grace and peace be unto you, in the name of the Lord,