There are some “S” words we don’t like to talk about – I know you are thinking about sin but that’s a topic for another day. I’m thinking about sacrifice and surrender. This is just a short piece to share some thoughts to ponder – we may come back to them later…
“Sacrifice is where the fire falls” – at a recent Bible study, our friend Becky made this statement and it got me to thinking. Of course, she mentioned the “battle” between the prophet of God and the prophets of Baal and the sacrifice that was consumed, though it had been thoroughly drenched with water. I believe to truly see God’s fire – His glory, His wonders – we must sacrifice self – our pride, our way of doing what is “right”. We need to trust (oh, I hate “preaching” words that I need to hear myself!). What do we (you AND I) need to sacrifice to see God today?
“Surrender”. I remember the question asked when a knight of old bested an opponent – “Do you yield?” Answering in the negative meant death but answering in the positive meant life. God gave His very best for us, Jesus gave His all for us – what do we give back in return? Why do we resist giving up what we cannot keep anyway? And what rightfully belongs to God? Surrendering means life – real life, not just surviving, but a restoration of all that life was meant to be. Do you yield?
Be well,