It’s been a while since we’ve done a regular post on this site. Kathy and I have been doing a lot of soul-searching, praying, reading, and studying and we have a clearer idea of where God is leading us than we did several months ago. All of this has resulted in us being rather “quiet” here – that’s about to change ;-).
You may notice that we have updated the Our Purpose page. This will give you a clue to where God is leading us and how we see it. Pray that we continue to listen and to hear God correctly as we step out into His leading.
Kathy has already written several posts that you will see over the next few weeks. I’ll be writing a post about our recent El Salvador trip and some of the food ministry work that I have been doing. Check out the recently added (actually re-added) Calendar of Events – there’s not much there right now but that will change soon. There are several dates already that we have booked and more in the works.
Thanks for being part of this adventure, for allowing us to share what God is doing in and through us and thank you for allowing us to pray for you.
Be well,